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 Kyu Shin Kan Omeikai Principle.


Began Aikido in Leicester at Secular Hall Dojo in 1966 at the age of 9 years old.

I have received regular instruction from

  1. Sensei F Brown (1966 - 1979)

  2. Sensei W Smith (1987 - 2008)

For the period 1966 - 1977 we received regular instruction from Chiba Sensei.

In 1978 I became one of the founder members of Leicester Aikido Society, also at this time I was awarded Shodan, by Sensei F Brown.

From 1979 - 1987 became Chief Instructor of the Leicester Aikido Society, taking classes four times a week at the Judokwai in Leicester.

In 1987 joined the United Kingdom Aikikai, under the instruction of Sensei W Smith.

2009 was a special year for me, along with 2 of my senior students I had the honour to train in Kimori Dojo, Nagoya under the direction of my Sensei, Sawada Shihan, since that meeting I became a student of Aikido again, one of the main lessons I have learned is that my weapon work should compliment my Tai-jutsu training. 


  • Shodan: 19th April 1988

  • Nidan: 18th May 1989

  • Sandan: 8th March 1992

  • Yondan: August 1996

  • Godan: 24th March 2002

  • Rokudan: 31st January 2010

  • 7 – 七 段 NANADAN – ( Seventh DAN )January 2022

  • Fukushidoin 1990

  • B.A.B. coach August 1990

April 21st 1996 qualified as a children's coach.

Became senior coach in 1996.

Promoted to Shidoin on 23rd January 2000.

Promoted to Shihan January 2017.

At present I am instructing  Secular hall Dojo also instructing at weekend seminars throughout the year and visiting Dojo's affiliated to KSK Omeikai

We received the name Kyu Shin Kan in 1989.

In the year 2024 I have been an Aikido student for 58 years

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